Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tattoos Yakuzza Design " Japan Gangsta Tattoo "

yakuzza tattoos design japan ideas
yakuzza japan gangsta tattoos design
gangsta tattoos design yakuzza tattoo japanese
yakuzza gangsta tattoos design ideas
yakuzza tattoos gangsta design ideas
gangsta tattoos yakuzza design ideas
Yakuzza is one gangsta in japan. Ussually a member of yakuzza have a tattoos. May be you know this gangsta on japanese, this gang very fomous in japan. If you want to know tattoos yakuzza you can find more ideas on this post. 

Gangsta tattoos ussually very extreme and very good design. I like share to you more tattoos design ideas , may be you want to create tattoos yakuzza above , you can save this tattoos ideas. i hope this can help you find tattoo which you want :)


Occasionally in my wanderings, I will meet not just tattooed people, but tattoo practitioners, and often those visiting from outside of New York City.

So it was no surprise, when I approached a gentleman across the street from where I work, at 31st and 7th, to learn that I was talking to an artist.

Working out of Punkteur Tattoos & Piercing in Joplin, Missouri, Derek "Dirtbird" Wieberg estimates he has 130-150 hours of work inked on his personal canvas.

With so much to choose from, he offered up this piece, on the right side of his neck:

It seemed fitting, considering his name.

Dirtbird praised the artist, Rick Pierceall at Karma Tattoo in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who has done all of his throat work.

Considering it is Two-for-Tattoosday, I'll share this photo as well:

That's not Dirtbird, but it's his handiwork! The owner of this tattoo is Shawn, who had the good fortune to be inked by Dirtbird. They collaborated on the design together.

Thanks to Dirt Bird and Shawn for sharing their tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Tune in tomorrow to see a tattoo from Katie, aka Mrs. Dirtbird!

Monday, November 29, 2010








to make the tattoo can last longer, preserved in a few months or a year hence the need for care which can make a tattoo that you like does not easily fade or disappear .. for that some famous people in the manufacture of tattoos trying to create a material which can overcome some weaknesses in the tattoo after the paste on the body .. one of them is to use the tattoo care .. tattoo care can create shapes, motifs, and colors on the tattoo to be sunny, bright, and looks like new .. ways to create more beautiful tattoo for one of them is to keep the berries with cotton, and given a bandage (the first step to keep the tattoo is not damaged) .. to further the understanding you can use this link and this link http://www.ehow.com/how_5394_care-new-tattoo.html http://hubpages.com/hub/New-Tattoo-Care-Tips / .. to find out more about how to keep the tattoos look better ..

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ride the Cyclone!

In college we had a game room at the Student Union.

I claimed to be a master at Arkanoid, but would occasionally play pinball. Earthshaker was fun, but there was another, carnival-themed game that would often beckon, "Ride the Cyclone!" It was, naturally, called The Cyclone.

Fast forward ten years and I would be residing in Brooklyn, home to Coney Island and the original Cyclone.

Despite having been in close proximity a number of times, I've never gone for a ride.

I was reminded of this back in September when I met Matt at the top of the escalator at the Penn Plaza Borders store.

He shared this amazing tattoo:

This is, of course, the Cyclone.

Matt is working on a Coney Island/"Carnie" theme, having lived in Brooklyn most of his adult life. Thus, the Astroland tower behind the Cyclone in the tattoo. Next up: the Wonder Wheel and the Parachute Jump, other Coney Island attractions.

He sent along a photo of the tattoo when it was initially finished:

Matt credits this tattoo to Ping at Village Rock Tattoo in Manhattan.

Thanks to Matt for sharing this great tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Something Girly This Way Comes

I met Nadya one afternoon in the beginning of October in Borders on Penn Plaza.

She shared this tattoo, which covered up a date she had initially inscribed on her arm:

Nadya told me that she wanted something "girly".

What I found most interesting about this tattoo is that when I asked her who the artist was, she told me it was her father. I can't imagine tattooing my own daughter. I would be too nervous!

Thanks to Nadya for sharing this tattoo with us here on Tattoosday.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

In honor of the holiday, I am sharing this, my newest tattoo, located above my knee on my right thigh:

This was done at Hand of Glory in Brooklyn yesterday as part of the shop's $75 Thanksgiving Tattoo Special and was sponsored by Troll Skin, produced by Skin Actives Scientific.

For those of you just tuning in, check the pre-post here, which includes all the Thanksgiving flash designed for the occasion. I asked readers to vote on which tattoo to get, and this one sneaked out a narrow victory over the traditional Native American profile.

I like this design because it combines a lot of traditional tattoo elements and delivers an image with a sociopolitical subtext. We have the traditional American flag and handshake designs, but the added element of crossed fingers serves as a reminder that, despite apparent good intentions, there was subsequently a historical betrayal of that initial good will.

But that's just one perspective, of course, and the Thanksgiving holiday focuses on the positive in our society. The mere existence of the tattoo reminds me to be thankful, which I alluded to in my original post.

I was fortunate enough to have Brian Faulk as my artist again. He had inked my Friday the 13th tattoo last August, and I appreciate that he works quickly and concisely.

Brian Faulk at Work
It was nice, also, that this design was one of his contributions to the flash sheet, as he was kind enough to embellish slightly on the original design, and it always seems better when an artist is tattooing his or her own design. As for the idea behind it, he was trying to represent graphically a broken treaty. I'm extremely pleased with the end result.

In consideration for their sponsoring this tattoo, I will be exclusively using Skin Active's product, Troll Skin Aftercare over the next two weeks as the tattoo heals. I can already say I am pleased with the aftercare cream because it is a lot less messy than the ointment I am used to using within the first 72 hours after getting a tattoo.

I'll report back then on how their product held up compared to the regiment I've followed in the past.

I want to thank all of the readers who voted for designs, and for everyone who reads and supports the site.

And thanks again to Skin Actives for helping make this tattoo possible, to Brian at Hand of Glory, and to my family, at home in Brooklyn and across the U.S., for their support

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mari's Prayer, with a Twist of Math

I met Mari in front of Madison Square Garden on a sunny day in October. How could I not stop and ask her about this tattoo?

Mari explained that this is an Ananda prayer, that her friends were meditating on it for a week.

The text, which is attributed to Sri Paramhansa Yogananda, reads:

Make me thy butterfly of eternity.

I burnt my past. I ignored the foreboding seeds of sprouting destiny. I waded through the strewn ashes of past & future fears.

I am the eternal present. I tore to shreds the cocoon of ignorance with the sharpness of my will.
I am thy...butterfly of eternity, sweeping through immeasurable time. The beauty of my nature-wings I spread everywhere, to entertain everything. Suns & stardust are spread on my wings. Behold my beauty! Cut all the silken threads of thy shrouding folly: follow me in my flight to myself.

The butterfly symbolizes transformation, a phase everyone goes through at one point or another in time.

Also among her twenty-two tattoos is this formula at the top of her arm:

Mari explained she loves math and generalized that, with this equation, "you can generate anything in the universe". In theory, at least. Here, it gets a little hazy for me. Part of this tattoo contains "f(z) = z^2 + c" which is described as a complex function. Then there is the part that equates the square root of -1 to the value i. This is a formula for an imaginary number. I'm bowing out here, knowing there's no way I'll be able to explain this part of the tattoo adequately. Readers are welcome to try in the comments section, below.

Mari's work was inked by Kevin at The Tattoo Shop in Lansing, Michigan.

Thanks to Mari for sharing her tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

Heart-Tattoo-to be simbol








Heart-Tattoo is a tattoo of a pictorial kind heart, normally in use on the people who do like a heart as a symbol in itself .. there are also people who come have a large muscles attach to the arm tattoo heart .. if it was a bit bored with hearts, you can modify the heart with 2 wings tattooed on his side .. there are also add horns and a tail as a symbol of Satan .. Want to try it you?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lower Back Tattoos For Girls And Woman

Girls all over the world simply love the lower back tattoo. They are amongst the most popular designs available today. They make you look really sexy as a woman because they emphasize and draws attention to the most beautiful curve on a woman's body. This is the main reason for its popularity: the location on a woman's body. This is also the widest part of the body, therefore it provides an enormous amount of space for placing any tattoo design, be it large or small. Some people believe that the these tattoos are a sign of vulgarity.

But on the other end, tattoos must be seen as an art, a beautiful body art and must be seen as that, without looking at the location of the tattoo. Lower back tattoos are very fashionable in these modern times and it can be very easily hidden. They are available in all types and sizes. The following are different categories of these designs: Princess Crown, Flower vine tattoos, Celtic tattoos, Koi, etc.

The most popular one mentioned above is the Princess Crown design. This type of design is best suited for a girl's body. These tattoos looks very graceful on a girl's lower back and even more attractive and sexy if done with certain colors like orange, red, pink, green and purple. If you are a lover of Barbie dolls, then this will definitely be a suitable design for you. So, getting inked with the Princess Crown lower back tattoo is the best way to attain a royal feeling.

The Flower Vine designs are really the womanly designs. Just like the vine of flowers, these tattoos are generally long and the lower back has sufficient space for this exquisite design. The Flower Vine tattoo can also be combined with hearts and angels to give it a more revealing and sexy look.

Celtic lower back tattoos are another important one. These tattoos have a religious meaning attached to it and cannot be called vulgar. In order to show love and respect to a loved one, you can add their name to your lower back Celtic design and this design is very decent and attractive.

Another design you can select from is the Angel lower back tattoo design. This design can be composed with butterfly wings to display the pure and elegant look of an angel.

It is a good idea to get a very skillful and professional tattoo artist if you choose this design as extra care should be taken whilst being inked with this delicate design. You can customize your own design to suit your personal tastes if any of the above mentioned is not of importance to you. There are lots of these designs available online. The most important thing you must consider before getting yourself inked with any lower back tattoo, is to seek the help of a professional tattoo artist. Please ensure that you first also check out the medical aspects involved before you take this big step. Remember, once inked, this remains with you for the rest of your life. So make that informed decision now, then go out there and get yourself tattooed with that sexy lower back tattoo

Lower Back Tattoos For Girls And Woman

Girls all over the world simply love the lower back tattoo. They are amongst the most popular designs available today. They make you look really sexy as a woman because they emphasize and draws attention to the most beautiful curve on a woman's body. This is the main reason for its popularity: the location on a woman's body. This is also the widest part of the body, therefore it provides an enormous amount of space for placing any tattoo design, be it large or small. Some people believe that the these tattoos are a sign of vulgarity.

But on the other end, tattoos must be seen as an art, a beautiful body art and must be seen as that, without looking at the location of the tattoo. Lower back tattoos are very fashionable in these modern times and it can be very easily hidden. They are available in all types and sizes. The following are different categories of these designs: Princess Crown, Flower vine tattoos, Celtic tattoos, Koi, etc.

The most popular one mentioned above is the Princess Crown design. This type of design is best suited for a girl's body. These tattoos looks very graceful on a girl's lower back and even more attractive and sexy if done with certain colors like orange, red, pink, green and purple. If you are a lover of Barbie dolls, then this will definitely be a suitable design for you. So, getting inked with the Princess Crown lower back tattoo is the best way to attain a royal feeling.

The Flower Vine designs are really the womanly designs. Just like the vine of flowers, these tattoos are generally long and the lower back has sufficient space for this exquisite design. The Flower Vine tattoo can also be combined with hearts and angels to give it a more revealing and sexy look.

Celtic lower back tattoos are another important one. These tattoos have a religious meaning attached to it and cannot be called vulgar. In order to show love and respect to a loved one, you can add their name to your lower back Celtic design and this design is very decent and attractive.

Another design you can select from is the Angel lower back tattoo design. This design can be composed with butterfly wings to display the pure and elegant look of an angel.

It is a good idea to get a very skillful and professional tattoo artist if you choose this design as extra care should be taken whilst being inked with this delicate design. You can customize your own design to suit your personal tastes if any of the above mentioned is not of importance to you. There are lots of these designs available online. The most important thing you must consider before getting yourself inked with any lower back tattoo, is to seek the help of a professional tattoo artist. Please ensure that you first also check out the medical aspects involved before you take this big step. Remember, once inked, this remains with you for the rest of your life. So make that informed decision now, then go out there and get yourself tattooed with that sexy lower back tattoo

Julia's Pin-Up

I met Julia briefly in a Hudson News in Penn Station.

The flash of color on her foot caught my eye:

Julia explained that she is a visual artist that likes to do pin-up illustrations. This particular design she wanted to be transformed into a tattoo. She brought it to Morgan Reed at Electric Lotus Tattoo in Boonton, New Jersey, and he made some slight adjustments that resulted in this lovely tattoo.

Work from Electric Lotus has appeared on Tattoosday before. This link will show you what else we have featured from their shop.

Thanks to Julia for sharing her pin-up girl with us here on Tattoosday!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tattoos Designs for Ankle " Ideas for girls "

ankle tattoos design for girls
tattoos designs on ankle ideas
ankle tattoos design ideas for girls
tattoos design ideas on ankle girls
tattoos designs ideas on ankle for girls
Tattoos ankle design ideas for you , simple but very amazing. enjoyed visiting my site , you can find more tattoos design ideas here. i hope this can very help you to getmore tattoos design ideas.